Organisation Administrator's Guide
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Managing classifications

The Classifications page of Organisation Administration (below) allows the following within an organisation:

Organisation administrators can define a set of classifications from which Cocoon Data users can choose when sharing files with other people using SafeShare applications, including other client applications utilising the Cocoon Data Platform's API.

Classifications help Cocoon Data users ensure that classified files are only shareable with users who have the clearance to access this content. If a classification is not associated with a Cocoon Data user (via this classification's association with any clearance of which this user is a member), then that user cannot be shared any file when this classification is specified.

Classifications page

Adding a new classification

To add a new classification to your organisation on the Cocoon Data Platform:

  1. Ensure you are signed in to Organisation Administration.
  2. Click the Classifications option on the left of the Organisation Administration interface to open the Classifications page.
  3. Click the Add New button.
  4. In the Add new classification dialog box, specify the:
    • Name - The value of this field is the name of the classification shown to Cocoon Data users of SafeShare applications (when sharing an item), including client applications utilising the Cocoon Data Platform's API.
    • Description ( Optional ) - A longer description to provide more information about the classification, such as the classification's purpose or which group of people it is intended for. The value of this field is only visible to Organisation administrators on this Classifications page.
    Note: Before proceeding, please ensure that you are satisfied with the values above, since by design and for security reasons, it is not possible to edit any aspect of a classification once it has been added.
  5. Click Save and the new classification is added and will appear as a new entry on the Classifications page.

Removing an existing classification

Removing a classification removes that classification from all files it was applied to (when these files were shared), as well as removes all collaborators from these files.

To remove an existing classification from your organisation:

  1. Ensure you are signed in to Organisation Administration.
  2. Click the Classifications option on the left of the Organisation Administration interface to open the Classifications page.
  3. Locate/scroll to the relevant classification and select its check box on the left.
  4. Click the Remove button. A Delete Classification message box appears, with a warning that the removal of this classification will remove the classification from any files it had been applied to (when the files were shared).
    Note: Before proceeding, be aware that this action removes all collaborators from these files too.
  5. Click Yes on this message box to proceed with the classification's removal.