API Documentation
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URL structure

1 https://access-service.xy-company.com/api/v1/dashboard/quotas

Supported methods and overview

  • GET - retrieves the maximum required storage (in mebibytes) based on the current quotas specified for all configured organisations.

Note: This method takes no parameters.

Detailed description

This API endpoint retrieves the maximum required storage (in mebibytes/MiB) based on the current quotas specified for all configured organisations.

This information is utilized on the SafeShare Administration dashboard.

Supported roles

This API endpoint supports the following Cocoon Data user roles (as described in the SafeShare Administrator's Guide):

The Cocoon Data Platform's resources available to one of these Cocoon Data users (above) is determined by the access token submitted in the header of requests to this endpoint.

Required headers

The appropriate access token as the Bearer token:

  • Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0NjcwMTY2NjYsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6ImFsZXgub...


If the request succeeded, then an HTTP response status 200 OK is returned.

For successful requests only, a JSON-formatted response containing the following members is also returned:

  • sumOfAllQuota - The maximum required storage (in MiB) based on the current quotas specified for all configured organisations.
    Example (response):
    "sumOfAllQuota": 4194304