API Documentation
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URL structure

1 https://access-service.xy-company.com/api/v1/organisations/{orgGroupId}

where {orgGroupId} is the ID of an organisation.

Supported methods and overview

  • GET - retrieves information about an organisation (specified by orgGroupId) configured on the Cocoon Data Platform.
  • PUT - updates one or more organisation-specific properties for an organisation (specified by orgGroupId), which can also be set through the Configuration page of Organisation Administration and the Organisations page of SafeShare Administration.

Note: The GET method takes no parameters.

Detailed description

This API endpoint serves a number of purposes:

  • Retrieves information about an organisation (specified by orgGroupId) configured on the Cocoon Data Platform - available to Cocoon Data users who are members of this organisation (except users with the Ad hoc role).
  • Updates one or more organisation-specific properties for an organisation (specified by orgGroupId). These properties can also be set through:

Supported roles and conditions

This API endpoint supports requests utilizing Cocoon Data user accounts with the following roles (as described in the SafeShare Administrator's and Organisation Administrator's Guides):

  • Originator, Collaborator, Organisation administrator - using the GET method, when this user is a member of the organisation whose ID is specified by {orgGroupId} in the request's URL.
  • Organisation administrator - using the PUT method, when this user is a member of the organisation whose ID is specified by {orgGroupId} in the URL. Such a user can set any of these parameters:
    • adminEmail, addressbookEnabled, description, contactEmail, watermarkingEnabled, i18nDefaultAsString, enforceMfa,
    • supportUrl, companyName, legalUrl, webappHelpUrl, orgAdminHelpUrl, privacyUrl and userMessage.
  • SafeShare administrator - using the PUT method. Such a user can set the name and/or quota parameters.

The Cocoon Data Platform's resources available to a Cocoon Data user meeting the criteria above is determined by the access token submitted in the header of requests to this endpoint.

Required headers

The appropriate access token as the Bearer token:

  • Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0NjcwMTY2NjYsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6ImFsZXgub...

The following header is required if the body of the request has a JSON object:

  • Content-Type: application/json

PUT-request parameters

At least one of the following parameters must be sent in the body of the PUT request, each as individual members of a JSON object:

  • For Organisation administrators who are a members of the organisation specified by orgGroupId:
    • adminEmail - The email address of the Organisation Admin Email property (accessible through the Configuration page of Organisation Administration). If this value is null or an empty string, then the Admin Email property value (accessible through the System Details section of the Configuration page of SafeShare Administration) is used as the fallback.
    • addressbookEnabled - A boolean value determining if the Is the address book feature enabled? property (accessible through the Configuration page of Organisation Administration) is true (i.e. enabled) or false.
    • description - The value of the A brief description of the organisation property (accessible through the Configuration page of Organisation Administration).
    • contactEmail - The value of The email address of the organisation's contact person property (accessible through the Configuration page of Organisation Administration and for the benefit of SafeShare administrators), which appears in the Contact Person column on the Organisations page of SafeShare Administration.
    • watermarkingEnabled - A boolean value determining if the Is watermarking of viewed files enabled? property (accessible through the Configuration page of Organisation Administration) is true (i.e. enabled) or false.
    • i18nDefaultAsString - The I18n Code of the Default i18n setting for new users and email notifications property (accessible through the Configuration page of Organisation Administration). Valid I18n Code values can be found on the Internationalization page of SafeShare Administration.
    • enforceMfa - A boolean value determining if the Enforce two-factor authentication for organisation members property (accessible through the Configuration page of Organisation Administration) is true (i.e. enabled) or false.
    • supportUrl - The URL value of the Support URL property (accessible through the Configuration page of Organisation Administration). If this value is null or an empty string, then the Support URL property value (accessible through the System Details section of the Configuration page of SafeShare Administration) is used as the fallback.
    • companyName - The Company Name property value (accessible through the Configuration page of Organisation Administration). If this value is null or an empty string, then the Company Name property value (accessible through the System Details section of the Configuration page of SafeShare Administration) is used as the fallback.
    • legalUrl - The URL value of the Legal URL property (accessible through the Configuration page of Organisation Administration). If this value is null or an empty string, then the Legal URL property value (accessible through the System Details section of the Configuration page of SafeShare Administration) is used as the fallback.
    • webappHelpUrl - The URL value of the Web Application Help URL property (accessible through the Configuration page of Organisation Administration). If this value is null or an empty string, then the Web Application Help URL property value (accessible through the System Details section of the Configuration page of SafeShare Administration) is used as the fallback.
    • orgAdminHelpUrl - The URL value of the Organisation Administration Help URL property (accessible through the Configuration page of Organisation Administration). If this value is null or an empty string, then the Organisation Administration Help URL property value (accessible through the System Details section of the Configuration page of SafeShare Administration) is used as the fallback.
    • privacyUrl - The value of The URL of the privacy statement property (accessible through the Configuration page of Organisation Administration). If this value is null or an empty string, then The URL of the privacy statement property value (accessible through the System Details section of the Configuration page of SafeShare Administration) is used as the fallback.
    • userMessage - The value of the Custom message to appear on the 'Share' dialog box property (accessible through the Configuration page of Organisation Administration).
    Note: With the exception of the contactEmail and i18nDefaultAsString properties above (including all other properties above that require a boolean value), a property value can be 'cleared' by submitting an empty string value for that property in the request. Be aware that properties whose values are initially not defined are returned with null values in responses to this endpoint. However, once a property's value is cleared, it is subsequently returned with empty string values (in responses to this endpoint).
  • For SafeShare administrators only:
    • name - The name of the organisation.
    • quota - The organisation's quota (in mebibytes).
    Example (request - changing the 'Contact Person's email address and clearing 'The URL of the privacy statement' as an Organisation administrator):
    "contactEmail": "anotherorg.administrator@xy-company.com",
    "privacyUrl": ""


If the request succeeded, then an HTTP response status 200 OK is returned.

For successful requests only, a JSON-formatted response containing the following members is also returned:

  • id - The ID of the organisation.
  • name - The name of the organisation as specified by a SafeShare administrator.
  • description - .
  • bytesUploaded - .
  • contactEmail - .
  • quota - .
  • newAccountBaseItem - .
  • addressbookEnabled - .
  • watermarkingEnabled - .
  • mfaEnabled - .
  • i18nDefault - .
  • adminEmail - .
  • organisationAlias - .
  • userMessage - .
  • supportUrl - .
  • companyName - .
  • legalUrl - .
  • webappHelpUrl - .
  • orgAdminHelpUrl - .
  • privacyUrl - .
  • modifiedAt - .
  • createdAt - .
    Example (response from either a GET or PUT request):
    "id": "760756644367081472",
    "name": "XY Company",
    "description": "",
    "bytesUploaded": "549744",
    "contactEmail": "org.administrator@xy-company.com",
    "quota": 4194304,
    "newAccountBaseItem": null,
    "addressbookEnabled": false,
    "watermarkingEnabled": false,
    "mfaEnabled": false,
    "i18nDefault": "en_us",
    "adminEmail": null,
    "organisationAlias": null,
    "userMessage": null,
    "supportUrl": null,
    "companyName": null,
    "legalUrl": null,
    "webappHelpUrl": null,
    "orgAdminHelpUrl": null,
    "privacyUrl": null,
    "modifiedAt": "2016-09-30T06:55:18.192Z",
    "createdAt": "2016-09-30T06:55:18.192Z"