API Documentation
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URL structure

1 https://access-service.xy-company.com/api/v1/objects/{itemId}/versions

where {itemId} is the ID of a file object/Secure Object.

Supported methods and overview

  • GET - retrieves a list of information associated with the versions of a file object/Secure Object (specified by itemId).

Detailed description

This API endpoint retrieves a list of information associated with the versions of a file object (specified by itemId).

Supported roles and conditions

This API endpoint supports requests utilizing Cocoon Data user accounts with the following roles (as described in the Organisation Administrator's Guide) and conditions:

  • Originator - when this user owns the file object whose ID is specified by {itemId} in the request's URL.
  • Originator, Collaborator and Ad hoc - when this user is a collaborator with the Rename permission on the file object whose ID is specified by {itemId} in the URL. (The Rename permission restricts access to collaborators who have been applied either the Modify or Manage permission set on this file object.)

The Cocoon Data Platform's resources available to a Cocoon Data user meeting the criteria above is determined by the access token submitted in the header of requests to this endpoint.

Required headers

The appropriate access token as the Bearer token:

  • Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0NjcwMTY2NjYsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6ImFsZXgub...

Optional parameters

The following optional parameters can also be sent in the URL of the request:

  • limit - An integer value from 0 to 100, representing the maximum number of items to be returned in the response from the Cocoon Data Platform, where an individual item is information about a file object within the organisation. If this parameter is 0, then no limit is imposed. If this parameter is omitted, then its value is 25 by default.
  • offset - A value representing the count order of all retrievable items (i.e. file objects) from the Cocoon Data Platform returned in the response. Calls to this API endpoint are soon likely to amount to potentiallly unmanagable numbers of items being returned from the Cocoon Data Platform. Since the order of these items in the response could differ significantly, based on the values of the orderBy and sortBy parameters below, this offset parameter provides pagination for items returned in responses, allowing items to be retrieved from any count greater than 0 (i.e. the first item returned in a response). If this parameter is omitted, then its value is 0 by default.
  • orderBy - An enumeration (enum) value representing the order in which items (i.e. file objects) are returned in the response. This parameter orders items according to the value of the sortBy parameter specified below. Ordering items can be in either ascending alphanumeric order (by specifying the value ASC for this parameter) or descending order (by specifying the value DESC). If this parameter is omitted, then its value is DESC by default.
  • sortBy - An enum value representing the field (i.e. member) of a retrieved item by which items (i.e. file objects) returned in the response will be sorted. Valid field values for this parameter include:
    • created - the date when the file version was created,
    • createdBy - the email address of the owner or collaborator who created the file's version,
    • contentSize - the size (in bytes) of the file version's unencrypted data (as recorded by the Cocoon Data Platform's Access Service).
    Example (request - retrieving information about an file's versions created by the Cocoon Data user alex.originator@xy-company.com):
    1 https://access-service.xy-company.com/api/v1/objects/722338038193385472/versions?createdBy=alex.originator@xy-company.com


If the request succeeded, then an HTTP response status 200 OK is returned.

For successful requests only, a JSON-formatted response containing the following members is also returned:

  • items - An array containing information about all versions of a file object. Each element of this array contains information about one of these file's versions (represented as an object containing the following members unless otherwise stated).
  • id - The version's ID.
  • itemId - The file object's ID.
  • hasView - A boolean value that indicates whether or not the Cocoon Data Platform's Content Service has generated a read-only view of the file object's data in storage.
  • sha512 - The SHA-512 value associated with the file's version.
  • contentSize - The amount of space (in bytes) of the file version's unencrypted data (as recorded by the Cocoon Data Platform's Access Service).
  • encryptedContentSize - The amount of space (in bytes) of the file version's encrypted data (as recorded by the Cocoon Data Platform's Access Service).
  • canGenerateView - A boolean value that indicates whether or not the Content Service is capable of generating a read-only view of the file version's data.
  • originator - A member containing information about the owner or collaborator who created the file's version.
    • email - This email address of this Cocoon Data user.
    • id - The ID of this Cocoon Data users account.
  • modifiedAt - The date and time when the file's version was last modified.
  • createdAt - The date and time when the file's version was created.
    Example (response):
    "items": [{
    "id": "750609121728065536",
    "itemId": "749866326952308736",
    "hasView": true,
    "sha512": "wKDPBCKRQB2AwvYI9XvopJCWBxNu6vOdxi6GTPib5qKkkTJGYLszUJvZ2tieUmYmIBHKP0HeS6jWFHsXjTYKzw==",
    "contentSize": "634183",
    "encryptedContentSize": "634192",
    "canGenerateView": true,
    "originator": {
    "email": "alex.originator@xy-company.com",
    "id": "749419842687528960"
    "modifiedAt": "2016-09-02T06:52:41.397Z",
    "createdAt": "2016-09-02T06:52:40.709Z"
    }, {
    "id": "750608937082220544",
    "itemId": "749866326952308736",
    "hasView": true,
    "sha512": "psSqW8kUICaKUznWXnrzbA5K9fZHAHSlDSvd0mN4uF1prtCc5SkeTQ9Gdp9BEXFnnQX8a3xTbueLzhwtC/tI9g==",
    "contentSize": "549732",
    "encryptedContentSize": "549744",
    "canGenerateView": true,
    "originator": {
    "email": "alex.originator@xy-company.com",
    "id": "749419842687528960"
    "modifiedAt": "2016-09-02T06:51:57.536Z",
    "createdAt": "2016-09-02T06:51:56.897Z"
    }, {
    "id": "749866328462258176",
    "itemId": "749866326952308736",
    "hasView": true,
    "sha512": "KtEhueZ0lpUcUfURQZ3+VvGZvmcrLY+znVOkQMiLvc0Okgx+t7tpdKmREE+rYRk43xoSKzFGN7Mfo4LdgsSU1Q==",
    "contentSize": "621849",
    "encryptedContentSize": "621856",
    "canGenerateView": true,
    "originator": {
    "email": "alex.originator@xy-company.com",
    "id": "749419842687528960"
    "modifiedAt": "2016-08-31T05:41:05.516Z",
    "createdAt": "2016-08-31T05:41:04.993Z"
    "offset": "0",
    "count": "3"