API Documentation
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URL structure

1 https://access-service.xy-company.com/api/v1/permissions/sets

Supported methods and overview

  • GET - retrieves a list of permission sets along with their individual permissions, where a permission set defines access that a collaborator has to a file/Secure Object or folder/collection.

Note: This method takes no parameters.

Detailed description

This API endpoint retrieves a list of permission sets along with their individual permissions.

A permission set:

  • Can be applied to an individual collaborator on a newly created or existing file object or folder (i.e. item), whenever collaborators are modified by either:
    • the item's owner or
    • another collaborator with the Manage permission set on the item.
  • Consists of one or more individual permissions, each of which allows specific methods of the Cocoon Data API's endpoints involving an item to be called by a Cocoon Data user who:
    • is a collaborator on the item and
    • has the appropriate permission(s) (by virtue of the collaborator's permission set on the item).

The following table lists each permission set and their individual permissions:

Permission set Permission set ID Individual permissions
View 1 View
Download 2 View, Print, Download
Upload 5 View, Print, Download, View Other, Upload File, Create Folder *
Modify 3 View, Print, Download, View Other, Upload File, Create Folder * , Rename, Remove (File), Remove (Folder) * , Move
Manage 6 View, Print, Download, View Other, Upload File, Create Folder * , Rename, Remove (File), Remove (Folder) * , Move, Share

For details about these permission sets and individual permissions and their affect on items, refer to the Detailed description - PUT method requests sections of:

* These individual permissions are not applicable when either the Modify or Manage permission set is applied to collaborators on files.

Note: Individual permissions cannot be applied to collaborators - only permission sets.

Supported roles

This API endpoint supports the following Cocoon Data user roles (as described in the SafeShare Administrator's and Organisation Administrator's Guides):

The Cocoon Data Platform's resources available to one of these Cocoon Data users (above) is determined by the access token submitted in the header of requests to this endpoint.

Required headers

The appropriate access token as the Bearer token:

  • Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0NjcwMTY2NjYsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6ImFsZXgub...


If the request succeeded, then an HTTP response status 200 OK is returned.

For successful requests only, a JSON-formatted response containing the following members is also returned:

  • permissionSets - An array listing all available permission sets available through the Cocoon Data Platform.
    • id - The ID of a specific permission set.
    • permissions - An array listing the individual permissions relating to a specific permission set.
      • scopes - An array containing either the strings object (if the individual permission applies to files/Secure Objects only) or collection (if the permission applies to folders/collections only) or both of these values (if the permission applies to both files and folders).
      • nameI18nCode - The I18N code of the specific permission's name, which is one of the following (listed by the English language name value for the permission):
        • View - server.permission.name.view
        • View Other - server.permission.name.view.other
        • Print - server.permission.name.print
        • Download - server.permission.name.download
        • Upload File - server.permission.name.file.upload
        • Create Folder - server.permission.name.folder.create
        • Rename - server.permission.name.rename
        • Remove (File) - server.permission.name.file.delete
        • Remove (Folder) - server.permission.name.folder.delete
        • Move - server.permission.name.move
        • Share - server.permission.name.share
      • id - The ID of the individual permission.
    • scopes - An array containing either the strings object (if the permission set applies to files only) or collection (if the permission set applies to folders only) or both of these values (if the permission set applies to both files and folders).
    • nameI18nCode - The I18N code of the specific permission set's name, which is one of the following (listed by the English language name value for the permission set):
      • View - server.permissionset.name.view
      • Download - server.permissionset.name.download
      • Upload - server.permissionset.name.upload
      • Modify - server.permissionset.name.modify
      • Manage - server.permissionset.name.manage
    • descriptionI18nCode - The I18N code of the permission set's description.
    "permissionSets": [{
    "id": "1",
    "permissions": [{
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.view",
    "id": "60"
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permissionset.name.view",
    "descriptionI18nCode": "server.permissionset.description.view"
    }, {
    "id": "2",
    "permissions": [{
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.print",
    "id": "61"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.download",
    "id": "62"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.view",
    "id": "60"
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permissionset.name.download",
    "descriptionI18nCode": "server.permissionset.description.download"
    }, {
    "id": "5",
    "permissions": [{
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.print",
    "id": "61"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.download",
    "id": "62"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.view",
    "id": "60"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.view.other",
    "id": "71"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.folder.create",
    "id": "65"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.file.upload",
    "id": "64"
    "scopes": ["collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permissionset.name.upload",
    "descriptionI18nCode": "server.permissionset.description.upload"
    }, {
    "id": "3",
    "permissions": [{
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.file.delete",
    "id": "66"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.print",
    "id": "61"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.folder.delete",
    "id": "67"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.download",
    "id": "62"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.view",
    "id": "60"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.move",
    "id": "69"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.rename",
    "id": "68"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.view.other",
    "id": "71"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.folder.create",
    "id": "65"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.file.upload",
    "id": "64"
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permissionset.name.modify",
    "descriptionI18nCode": "server.permissionset.description.modify"
    }, {
    "id": "6",
    "permissions": [{
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.file.delete",
    "id": "66"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.print",
    "id": "61"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.folder.delete",
    "id": "67"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.download",
    "id": "62"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.view",
    "id": "60"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.move",
    "id": "69"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.share",
    "id": "73"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.rename",
    "id": "68"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.view.other",
    "id": "71"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.folder.create",
    "id": "65"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.file.upload",
    "id": "64"
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permissionset.name.manage",
    "descriptionI18nCode": "server.permissionset.description.manage"