API Documentation
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URL structure

1 https://access-service.xy-company.com/api/v1/collections/{collectionId}

where {collectionId} is the ID of a folder/collection.

Supported methods and overview

  • GET - retrieves information about a folder/collection (specified by collectionId).
  • PUT - modifies the properties of a folder (specified by collectionId). This involves the folder's owner or a collaborator with sufficient permissions on the folder 1 , performing any combination of the following:
    • Modifying the collaborators (as well as their permission sets) on a folder.
      Note: A collaborator with the Share permission on the folder (applied via the Manage permission set) can perform this action.
    • Renaming and/or moving the folder.
      Note: A collaborator with the Rename and Move permission on the folder (applied via the Modify and Manage permission set) can perform these actions.
  • DELETE - removes a folder (specified by collectionId) to its owner's Recycle Bin (known as 'recycling'), which changes the folder's state to Recycled. This can be performed by the folder's owner or a collaborator with sufficient permissions on the folder 1 .
    Note: A collaborator with the Remove (Folder) permission on the folder (applied via the Modify or Manage permission sets) can perform these actions.

Note: Both the GET and DELETE methods take no parameters.

Detailed description

This API endpoint serves a number of purposes:

GET method requests:

  • Retrieves information about a folder (specified by collectionId). A folder's ID can be obtained using the <access-service>/api/v1/organisations/{orgId}/items API endpoint, which retrieves a list of information associated with folders in an organisation that can be filtered using a variety of search criteria.

PUT method requests:

  • Allows the folder's owner or a collaborator with sufficient permissions on the folder 1 to modify any combination of the following properties of the folder (specified by collectionId):
    • Collaborators and their permission sets (specified through this endpoint's collaborators parameter) - where a permission set is specific to each individual collaborator. For each collaborator, one of the following five permission sets can be applied:
      • View - grants the collaborator the individual View permission on any files contained within this folder, which allows these files':
      • Download - grants the collaborator the individual View permission (provided by the View permission set), as well as the following additional permissions on any files contained within this folder 2 :
      • Upload - grants the collaborator the individual permissions provided by the Download permission set, as well as the following permissions to perform these additional actions within this folder 2 (in the owner's storage space):
      • Modify - grants the collaborator the individual permissions provided by the Upload permission set, as well as the following permissions to perform these additional actions on this folder itself (or any files/subfolders contained within this folder) 2 in the owner's storage space:
      • Manage - grants the collaborator the individual permissions provided by the Modify permission set, as well as the following permissions to perform these additional actions on this folder itself (or any files/subfolders contained within this folder) 2 in the owner's storage space:
    • Name (specified through this endpoint's name parameter) - the new name of this folder.
    • Parent folder (specified through this endpoint's parentId parameter) - the parent folder (specified through parentId) to which this folder (specified by collectionId) will be moved.

1 This owner or collaborator is a Cocoon Data user, whose access token is submitted in the request to this endpoint. A folder's:

  • Owner is a Cocoon Data user whose account's access token was used in account was used to create the folder (bearing in mind that a folder's ownership can subsequently be changed to that of another Cocoon Data user).
  • Collaborator is a Cocoon Data user whose account has already been added as a collaborator to this folder (with a given permission set).

2 If any of these items are subsequently moved to a child folder on which a more restrictive permission set (listed above) has been applied for a given collaborator, then that collaborator will only possess the relevant permissions (granted by this more restrictive permission set) on this child folder and any other items contained within it. The exceptions are the Remove (File) and Remove (Folder) permissions, which are propagated down through a folder hierarchy, regardless of whether or not a more restrictive permission set has been applied to an item further down the hierarchy.

3 Relates to the active version of the file.

DELETE method requests:

  • Removes a folder to its owner's Recycle Bin (known as 'recycling'), which changes the folder's state to Recycled.

Supported roles and conditions

This API endpoint supports requests utilizing Cocoon Data user accounts with the following roles (as described in the Organisation Administrator's Guide) and conditions:

  • Originator - using the GET, PUT and DELETE methods, when this user owns the folder whose ID is specified by {collectionId} in the request's URL.
  • Originator, Collaborator and Ad hoc - using the:
    • GET and PUT methods, when this user is a collaborator on the folder whose ID is specified by {collectionId} in the URL. For the PUT method, such a collaborator user can set the:
      • name parameter, when this user has the Rename permission on this folder.
      • parentId parameter, when this user has the Move permission on this folder.
      • collaborators parameter, when this user has the Share permission on this folder.
    • DELETE method, when this user is a collaborator with the Remove (Folder) permission on the folder whose ID is specified by {collectionId} in the URL.

The Cocoon Data Platform's resources available to one of these Cocoon Data users (above) is determined by the access token submitted in the header of requests to this endpoint.

Required headers

The appropriate access token as the Bearer token:

  • Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0NjcwMTY2NjYsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6ImFsZXgub...

The following header is required if the body of the request has a JSON object:

  • Content-Type: application/json

Optional parameters

The following optional parameters can be sent in the body of the PUT request, each as individual members of a JSON object:

  • collaborators ( For collaborator users, requires the Share permission on collectionId ) - A parameter containing the following optional sub-element parameters that relate to the collaborators being applied to this folder:
    • list - An array of elements about each collaborator, where each element of this array contains the following optional sub-elements:
      • email - The email address of the person to add as a collaborator to the folder. (Although this sub-element is optional, omitting it serves no purpose.)
      • permissionSet - The permission set to apply to this collaborator. This is done by specifying the ID of the permission set as a sub-element parameter of this parameter: Note: If this sub-element is omitted, then the View permission set is automatically applied to this collaborator.
    Tip: It is worthwhile your client application storing these set of collaborators and their respective permission sets (e.g. in its own object) because any modifications to one or more collaborators on an existing folder (through this parameter) requires all collaborators and their permission sets to be specified in the request to modify the folder (via this endpoint).
  • name ( For collaborator users, requires the Rename permission on collectionId ) - The name to apply to the folder. For example, any new name for the folder.
  • parentId ( For collaborator users, requires the Move permission on collectionId ) - The ID of the folder that will contain this folder (specified collectionId). This is the folder to which the collectionId. Specifying a value of 0 results in the folder (collectionId) being located at/moved to the default logical root storage location.
    • Omitting this property (or not changing its existing value) results in the folder remaining at its current location.
    • The folder represented by parentId must be within the same organisation as that of the folder represented by collectionId.
    • If the Cocoon Data user (whose access token is submitted in the header of the request) is a collaborator on both folders represented by parentId and collectionId, then this user must have the Move permission (on both of these folders) inherited from a common parent folder, where parentId could also be the common parent folder itself.
    • If the Cocoon Data user is a collaborator on the parentId folder but is the owner of the collectionId folder (or vice versa), then it is not possible to move the collectionId folder into the parentId folder.
    Example (PUT request parameters - modifying a folder):
    "name": "Large Files",
    "collaborators": {
    "list": [{
    "email": "chris.collaborator@xy-company.com",
    "permissionSet": {
    "id": 5
    "email": "adhoc.user@xy-company.com"


If the request succeeded, then an HTTP response status 200 OK is returned.

For successful GET and PUT requests only, a JSON-formatted response containing the following members is also returned:

  • id - The ID of the folder.
  • name - The name of the folder.
  • modifiedAt - The date and time when the folder was last modified. When a folder is created (via the POST method on the <access-service>/api/v1/organisations/{orgId}/collections endpoint), this date and time should match (or be close to) that of the createdAt value below. Otherwise, if the folder has since been modified (e.g. via a PUT method request to this endpoint), this date and time should reflect when the folder was last modified.
  • createdAt - The date and time when the folder was created.
  • shared - A boolean value that indicates whether or not the folder has been shared with any collaborators.
    Note: If the request was made using the access token of an authenticated collaborator user (without the View Other permission) on the file object, then the value returned will be false.
  • owner - A member containing information about the Cocoon Data user who is the current owner of the folder. This member contains the following sub-members:
    • email - The email address of the Cocoon Data user who owns this folder.
    • firstName - The first name set by this Cocoon Data user.
    • lastName - The last name set by this Cocoon Data user.
    • mfaEnabled - A boolean value that indicates whether or not two-factor authentication has either been set by this Cocoon Data user on their own account, or enforced for all members of the organisation (by an Organisation administrator).
    • id - The ID of this Cocoon Data user's account.
    • accountType - A member containing the internationalization (I18N) property key/code 4 for the account type, including the account type's value (i.e. hard-coded in the Cocoon Data Platform), as sub-members:
      • i18n - A member containing the I18N code 4 for the account type as sub-members:
        • code - The I18N code for the account type's value, beginning with server.useraccounttype. This I18N code could include the substring local, ldap or external.
        • arguments - An array containing any arguments/variables that constitute the value of the I18N code above. Since none of the account types' values contain any variables, this array is always empty.
      • value - The value of accountType as it is hard-coded in the Cocoon Data Platform. Your client application can exploit this value (instead of i18n above) if I18N is not required.
      4 Your client application can exploit the Cocoon Data Platform's I18N features, by initially downloading the relevant language bundles (from the the Cocoon Data Platform), then using the i18n code (and if applicable, arguments) values above to extract the property values derived from these language bundles for use in your client application. For more information about the Cocoon Data Platform's I18N features, see Managing internationalization in the SafeShare Administrator's Guide.
      Note: For more information about account types, see the description for Account Type in the Organisation Administrator's Guide.
  • organisation - A member containing information about the organisation in which this folder was created. This member contains the following sub-members:
    • name - The name of the organisation.
    • description - The description of the organisation, which can be set by Organisation administrators.
    • mfaEnabled - A boolean value that indicates whether (true) or not (false) two-factor authentication has been enforced for all members of the organisation.
    • id - The ID of the organisation.
  • permissions - An array listing the individual permissions that the owner above or one of the collaborators below (whose access token was used in the request to this endpoint), has inherited from the location represented by parentId.
  • type - Indicates collection, which in turn indicates that information about item returned from this request is about a folder.
  • collaborators - An array containing information about each Cocoon Data user who is currently a collaborator on this folder. Each element of this array contains information about one of these Cocoon Data users and is represented as an object, containing the following members:
    • shareParentId - Indicates either a value of null or 0. A value of null indicates that the folder's location in its hierarchy of folders (e.g. as indicated in a SafeShare application's list of items) are equivalent between this collaborator and the current owner of this folder. A value of 0 indicates that the folder is being shared from the logical root file area/location of this collaborator's account. In SafeShare applications, this occurs when the owner of this folder has shared the folder with this collaborator, but the folder's parent folder has not also been shared with this collaborator.
    • shareName - Reserved for future use. Currently, this returns the value null.
    • permissions - An array listing the permission set applied to this collaborator (or inherited by them from the location represented by parentId) on this folder, along with the individual permissions that constitue this permission set.
    • email - The collaborator's email address.
    • firstName - The collaborator's first name. This is the first name that appears on the Users page of SafeShare Organisation Administration and the My Account feature of Cocoon Data SafeShare for Web.
    • lastName - The collaborator's last name. Like the first name (above), this appears on the User page of Organisation Administration and the My Account feature of SafeShare for Web.
    • id - The ID of the collaborator's Cocoon Data user account.
    Note: Only an empty array is returned from Cocoon Data user accounts who are collaborators on this file object and do not have the View Other permission on it.
  • parentId - The ID of the folder/collection that contains the folder. A value of 0 indicates that this folder is located at the logical root location.
  • originator - A member containing information about the Cocoon Data user whose account was used to create this folder. This member contains the equivalent email and id sub-members only of either the owner member (above) or a collaborators array element (above). If these sub-members originally match those of the folder's initial owner member and then the folder's ownership changes to that of another Cocoon Data user, the owner member's email and id values will change while the equivalent sub-member values of this originator member will remain unchanged.
    Example (response from a GET request - using the access token of an authenticated owner of the folder):
    "id": "751980834491527168",
    "name": "Large Files",
    "createdAt": "2016-09-06T01:43:22.071Z",
    "modifiedAt": "2016-09-06T06:09:26.962Z",
    "shared": true,
    "owner": {
    "email": "alex.originator@xy-company.com",
    "firstName": "Alex",
    "lastName": "Originator",
    "mfaEnabled": false,
    "id": "749419842687528960",
    "accountType": {
    "i18n": {
    "code": "server.useraccounttype.local",
    "arguments": []
    "value": "LOCAL"
    "organisation": {
    "name": "XY Company",
    "description": "",
    "mfaEnabled": false,
    "id": "749418071827214336"
    "permissions": [{
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.file.delete",
    "id": "66"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.folder.delete",
    "id": "67"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.download",
    "id": "62"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.move",
    "id": "69"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.view",
    "id": "60"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.delete.other",
    "id": "72"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.copy",
    "id": "63"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.print",
    "id": "61"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.share",
    "id": "73"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.rename",
    "id": "68"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.view.other",
    "id": "71"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.folder.create",
    "id": "65"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.file.upload",
    "id": "64"
    "type": "collection",
    "collaborators": [{
    "shareParentId": null,
    "shareName": null,
    "userId": 752045983411793920,
    "permissionSet": {
    "id": "1",
    "permissions": [{
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.view",
    "id": "60"
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permissionset.name.view"
    "email": "adhoc.user@xy-company.com",
    "firstName": null,
    "lastName": null,
    "id": "752045983411793920"
    }, {
    "shareParentId": null,
    "shareName": null,
    "userId": 750613175405441024,
    "permissionSet": {
    "id": "5",
    "permissions": [{
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.print",
    "id": "61"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.download",
    "id": "62"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.view",
    "id": "60"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.view.other",
    "id": "71"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.folder.create",
    "id": "65"
    }, {
    "scopes": ["collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permission.name.file.upload",
    "id": "64"
    "scopes": ["object", "collection"],
    "nameI18nCode": "server.permissionset.name.upload"
    "email": "chris.collaborator@xy-company.com",
    "firstName": "Chris",
    "lastName": "Collaborator",
    "id": "750613175405441024"
    "parentId": "0",
    "originator": {
    "email": "alex.originator@xy-company.com",
    "id": "749419842687528960"
    Example (response from a PUT request - modifying a folder):
    "id": "751980834491527168",
    "name": "Scenery",
    "createdAt": "2016-09-06T01:43:22.071Z",
    "modifiedAt": "2016-09-06T01:43:22.127Z",
    "shared": false,
    "organisation": {
    "name": "XY Company",
    "description": "",
    "mfaEnabled": false,
    "id": "749418071827214336"
    "parentId": "0"