Organisation Administrator's Guide
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Managing clearances

The Clearances page of Organisation Administration (below) allows the following within an organisation:

Organisation administrators can define a clearance, which represents a group of Cocoon Data users with whom a file can be shared based on the classification applied to the file.

The ability to share a file with users who are members of a clearance is granted through the clearance's association with a classification (defined in the organisation) which in turn is specified when sharing the file.

If a Cocoon Data user:

  • Belongs to any clearance associated with a classification, then that Cocoon Data user can be shared a file when this classification is specified.
  • Is not associated with a classification (by virtue of their account not being a member of any clearance associated with this classification), then that Cocoon Data user cannot be shared a file when this classification is specified.

Note: It is possible for a clearance to be associated with multiple classifications.

Clearances page

Note: Clearances are not exposed in any way to Cocoon Data users who do not have the Organisation administrator role.

Adding a new clearance

To add a new clearance group to your organisation on the Cocoon Data Platform:

  1. Ensure you are signed in to Organisation Administration.
  2. Click the Clearances option on the left of the Organisation Administration interface to open the Clearances page.
  3. Click the Add New button.
  4. In the Add new clearance dialog box, specify the:
    • Name - A name that best describes the clearance's members (i.e. Cocoon Data users) in a short sentence.
    • Description ( Optional ) - A longer description to provide more information about the clearance. Be aware that the value of this field is only visible when this clearance is subsequently edited (in the Edit clearance dialog box).
  5. Click Save and the new clearance is added and will appear as a new entry on the Clearances page.

Modifying users in an existing clearance

To modify the membership of Cocoon Data users in an existing clearance:

  1. Ensure you are signed in to Organisation Administration.
  2. Click the Clearances option on the left of the Organisation Administration interface to open the Clearances page.
  3. In the Members column, click the numbered link associated with the clearance whose existing Cocoon Data users are to be modified, which opens the 'clearance's members' dialog box.
    Note: Alternatively, select the clearance's check box on the left and then click the Manage button with the 'person' icon.
  4. In this dialog box, any Cocoon Data users whose email addresses appear in the Clearance members section on the right are already members of the clearance:
    To do the following: Do this: Which results in this:
    Add a user to the clearance Click the email address of that user in the Available users section. Transfers that user to the Clearance members section.
    Remove a user from the clearance Click the email address of that user in the Clearance members section. Transfers that user to the Available users section.
    Find specific users by filtering them (making it easier to add or remove them above) In either the Available users or Clearance members sections, begin typing (into its respective Filter box) a series of characters contained in the Cocoon Data users' email addresses. The list of users (in their respective section/s) being filtered to those whose email address contains the subset of characters entered into its Filter box.
    Add all users to the clearance Click the
    Add all button
    (Add all) button in the Available users section.
    Transfers all remaining users in this section to Clearance members.
    Remove all users from the clearance Click the
    Remove all button
    (Remove all) button in the Clearance members section.
    Transfers all remaining users in this section to Available users.
  5. Click Save and the clearance's membership will be modified accordingly. The number in the Members column associated with this clearance is updated to reflect the total number of Cocoon Data users that were in Clearance members section (just before clicking Save).
    Note: To associate this clearance (of one or more Cocoon Data users) with one or more classifications (which would then allow these classifications to restrict file sharing to these Cocoon Data users), see Modifying classifications on an existing clearance.

Modifying classifications on an existing clearance

To modify the association of classifications with an existing clearance:

  1. Ensure you are signed in to Organisation Administration.
  2. Click the Clearances option on the left of the Organisation Administration interface to open the Clearances page.
  3. In the Classifications column, click the numbered link associated with the clearance whose existing classifications are to be modified, which opens the 'clearance's classifications' dialog box.
    Note: Alternatively, select the clearance's check box on the left and then click the Manage button with the 'labels/tags' icon.
  4. In this dialog box, any classifications which appear in the Clearance classifications section on the right are already associated with the clearance:
    To do the following: Do this: Which results in this:
    Add a classification to the clearance Click the classification in the Available classifications section. Transfers that classification to the Clearance classifications section.
    Remove a classification from the clearance Click the classification in the Clearance classifications section. Transfers that classification to the Available classifications section.
    Find specific classifications by filtering them (making it easier to add or remove them above) In either the Available classifications or Clearance classifications sections, begin typing (into its respective Filter box) a series of characters contained in the classification's name. The list of classifications (in their respective section/s) being filtered to those whose name contains the subset of characters entered into its Filter box.
    Add all classifications to the clearance Click the
    Add all button
    (Add all) button in the Available classifications section.
    Transfers all remaining classifications in this section to Clearance classifications.
    Remove all classifications from the clearance Click the
    Remove all button
    (Remove all) button in the Clearance classifications section.
    Transfers all remaining classifications in this section to Available classifications.
  5. Click Save and the clearance's classifications will be modified accordingly. The number in the Permissions column associated with this clearance is updated to reflect the total number of classifications that were in Clearance classifications section (just before clicking Save).
    Note: To add one or more Cocoon Data users to this clearance, which would then allow these classifications to restrict file sharing to these Cocoon Data users (including any others who are members of this clearance), see Modifying users in an existing clearance.

Editing an existing clearance

Editing an existing clearance allows modification of the clearance's Name and Description. This functionality can also be used to view a clearance's Description.

To edit an existing clearance in your organisation:

  1. Ensure you are signed in to Organisation Administration.
  2. Click the Clearance option on the left of the Organisation Administration interface to open the Clearances page.
  3. Locate/scroll to the relevant clearance and select its check box on the left.
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. In the Edit clearance dialog box, modify the:
    • Name - A name that best describes its members (i.e. Cocoon Data users) in a short sentence.
    • Description ( Optional ) - A longer description to provide more information about the clearance. Be aware that this field is only visible from this dialog box.
  6. Click Save and the clearance's Name and Description are updated accordingly.
    Note: Due to a minor bug that will be fixed in a future product release, it is currently not possible to clear the Description field once any text has been added.

Removing an existing clearance

Removing an existing clearance removes any association between the Cocoon Data users who were members of this clearance as well as any classifications that were associated with the clearance.

Therefore, if a Cocoon Data user was shared a file with a classification that is associated with one or more clearances (of which the user is also a member) and the removal of one of these clearances results in the user:

  • Still remaining associated with this classification (through the classification's association with other clearances to which the user is also a member), then the user will still have access to this file.
  • Losing their association with this classification (because the user was not a member of any other clearance that had an association with this classification), then the user loses access to this file.

To remove an existing clearance from your organisation:

  1. Ensure you are signed in to Organisation Administration.
  2. Click the Clearance option on the left of the Organisation Administration interface to open the Clearances page.
  3. Locate/scroll to the relevant clearance and select its check box on the left.
  4. Click the Remove button.
  5. On the Remove clearance message box, click Yes to proceed with the clearance's removal.